If It Has An Engine, It Has Explosions!

May 15

Too Fuel For School

A high-octane high-five to all the fueled up fans that participated in our If It Has An Engine Tee Design Contest, thanks to our partnership with the sunny folks at Sunoco Fuels. Congra-tee-lations to Kathy Helmetag, whose chemistry-themed idea was transformed into the “Combustamove” design you see here by Chad Seip. The shirt will be available from Tuesday May 16th through Wednesday the 17th, so get your copy before it blows a gasket!

Combustamove Sunoco Design

Kathy and our runners up, Joel Geisinger and Charlie LaPointe, also won themselves a genuine (and heavy) NASCAR™ dump can to make for the coolest coffee pot or garage decoration ever.

Sunoco Fuel Dump Can

Did your shirtdonkulous idea not quite make the podium? Keep the idea engine runnin’, as we’ve got plenty of other partnerships and great prizes this summer.