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Awesome automotive apparel

65 Goat

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Before there were frivolous options packages like center armrest in contrast stitching or technology package w/ rear parking sensors the only option you sprung for was the grandest option of all, power. In the heyday of the muscle car you could tick one box and add displacement, carbs, shifter, springs, wider rubber, and a few badges that told your fellow motorists who would be first to the next stoplight.
Artist Profile
By Jeff Dworin
Location: Rochester Hills, MI

Jeff is an art director and a serious car guy with a head crammed full of arcane automotive facts. He works on various automotive accounts for an advertising agency in Michigan. His designs usually begin as notebook doodles and later morph into something more complete. He’s been drawing cars, photographing cars and talking about cars for most of his life. He likes vintage pickup trucks and drives his NA Miata during the brief Michigan summers.
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