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Fear The Machines

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Back before AI had taken over and OBD2 was still considered high-tech, this generationally-advanced organism appeared to have traveled from the future. Gleaming with pearlescent paint and a suspension design that would take the big three years to reverse-engineer, its nearly 400hp still gives modern muscle a fight.

Artist Profile
By Anthony Chitay
Location: Guatemala

Anthony is a design student from LA who currently lives in Guatemala. He loves all kinds of builds: offroader stance, drift, ALL OF THEM. He´s used to freaking out at obscure cars like a garage-kept Geo Metros, JDM CRXs, Mustang Terminators, or clean E30s. Since Guatemala is a difficult place to be a gearhead, he keeps an eye out for anything that stands out from the bland sea of grey sedans. He's currently building a dream garage (out of hot wheels) and searching for an E30 Wagon, FC RX7, Fox Body Notch, or Mitsubishi Pajero.
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