Shipping Info


For a more detailed view on how we run our business, see Our Process

Many of our products are custom printed for you, after a sale window has closed. Orders for the current featured design(s), our partners’ design(s) or wall art ship out ~1.5 weeks after the current sale ends.

Orders that include face masks may take 2-3 weeks to ship out. You’ll receive an email confirmation when your order ships.

Orders that don’t include a custom print item (for example, past designs from our Garage, stickers and accessories excluding masks) usually ship out in 1-2 business days. 

We ship domestically via DHL, USPS First Class and/or Priority Mail. You will receive a confirmation email with your tracking number when it leaves our warehouse. Please allow tracking numbers a day or two to start working. 

International Shipping

For international orders, many of our carriers are experiencing delays due to interruptions in services and increased mail volume. Please allow up to two weeks for tracking information to be updated.

Transit time may take up to 4-6 weeks depending on your country's local postal processes and customs. We do not collect any international tax/duty so you may be responsible for any applicable taxes in your locale.

International orders ship out via DHL with final delivery provided by your local postal service.

Shipping Rates

Any apparel item (shirts, ties, hoodies, pairs of socks and most accessories unless otherwise noted in the product): 1 light item, $4.59. 2+ items or 1 heavier item, $7.89.
Stickers: $2.69 for any quantity. Stickers ship free with any apparel purchase.
Ornaments: $2.69 for up to 2. $4.59 for 3-5 units. $7.89 for 5+. Ship free with any apparel purchase.

Shirts (socks/hoodies/mugs/poster): 1 item, $8.90 or $11.90 for heavier items (hoodies). $3 for each additional item thereafter. 
Stickers: $8.90 for any quantity. Stickers ship free with any apparel purchase.

All other countries (Worldwide)
Shirts (socks/hoodies/mugs/poster): 1 shirt, $11.90. $4 for each additional shirt thereafter. 
Stickers: $8.90 for any quantity. Stickers ship free with any apparel purchase.