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Awesome automotive apparel

Default Settings II

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No need to go into the menu and search for 10 minutes to find the right preset. Your car came programmed properly, with rumble enabled. It's the way the game was truly meant to be played.
Artist Profile
By Paul Dumitru
Location: Menasha, WI
Paul Dumitru was taught to tinker at an early age in his home country of Romania, which soon turned into an automotive engineering degree. Now residing in the US, Paul moved from tinkering on Formula SAE cars to engineering work on off-road military vehicles. In his spare time he likes to autocross and frozen-lake-rallycross his older-than-him Miata... read more!
Never Miss a Design
The Final Lap For Yesterday's Design
Link to Good Eats II

Good Eats II

By Steven Thomas
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Link to The Hills Have Bars

The Hills Have Bars

By Mycak Sames
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Get Moar Power
  • Cardiovalveular Sticker
  • BS Pull Strap Keychain
  • +5HP Keychain

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