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The feeling approaching a fully fueled rocket 10... the adrenaline coursing through your veins 9... vision starts to narrow 8... heart beats faster 7... grip tightens 6... knuckles turn white 5... target fixation ignition sequence... ears ringing 3... power 2... more power we have liftoff...
Artist Profile
By Chad Seip
Location: Ontario, Canada
Chad started life on 2 wheels but found it doesn't matter the number of wheels, just how fast they spin. There has been plenty rubber left on race tracks or in parking lots attacking cones. A 15 year career in art strangely lead back to motorcycles at a Ducati more!
Never Miss a Design
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Carry the One

By Singgih Nugroho
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Link to DTM Rain

DTM Rain

By Dmitry Tikhonenkov
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