Holy design submission-moly! We got a rock quarry's worth of entries to the LRP Tee Design Contest. The judging panel had to think long and hard over the awesome designs and ideas. Lime juice was consumed, rocks were skipped on water, heck, we even took long walks in the park. Rumor has it that Sam Posey and Skip Barber were seen slinging profanities at each other whilst in a best of 101 rounds of thumb wrestling competition to decide the winner (this could not be independently confirmed). In fact, there was so much lime-y goodness that we had to add a third runner up prize, she-powww!

Nevertheless, the judging panel had to finally decide on the top three, so here ya go! 


Grand Prize

(gets One Day Racing School at Skip Barber and design sold at blipshift)


Simon Paul



Runners Up

(each will receive $500 credit at Skip Barber)


Joe Clark

"DOT" (Idea)

Joe's idea was: "Take the track map and overlay onto the center of the "department of transportation" logo, i.e. the center of the state emblem. Could add a catchy phrase in the blue, below the state emblem like, "license to fly"."


Benjamin Duell


Ben wants to emphasize the natural beauty and long history of Lime Rock Park by drawing a connection to the U.S.A's other great parks. Shouldn't LRP get a National Park Designation already? What up, Mr. Pres? Final design would highlight the rolling tree lined hills and unique curves of the track. A vintage worn look could be cool on heather grey or an off white, slap on some color to the graphics and add a race-y car on the track. Oh yeah, add kerbing, get ride of the double yellow and we might be good to go!


Andrew Barca


The name of the track within the outline of the track. Yeah, the downhill K still make us think we need to grow a bigger pair...  


Thanks again to all the fans of LRP that entered and congrats to all our winners!