Apex Everything On Mar 31
Birds are singing, buds are blooming, and that second set of wheels is on the "to do" pile. That's right, it's almost HPDE and car show season, so before t-shirt weather is upon us, you'll want to pit in for The Apex Everything Sale. Starting Thursday, March 31, we're bringing back over 24 shirts to help to nail those upcoming apexes. Featuring some of our most popular past designs, your generation picks from The Great Tee-bate, and some brand spankin' new tees. The paparazzi camouflage comes off Thursday, but can you guess what's underneath?
The upcoming season of tee is also rolling out:
- Mug re-stock
- Re-stocked and updated Socks
- New Watch Straps
- New Enamel Pins
- New Wall Clock designs
- And lots more!
The Apex Everything Sale starts Thursday, March 31 and runs through Monday, April 4.
2022-03-31 12:00:00 2022-04-04 23:59:59 America/New_York The Apex Everything Sale 2022 New and resto-modded tees designs plus other new swag available for a limited time. Blipshift.com