La308 Bit 2.0

by Team Blipshift
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You might not have the $1.5 mil for a new LaFerrari, but there's always La308. Yeah, Magnum called it that. You just didn't hear it because the sound got trapped in his crazy 'stache. Anyway, we don't remember much from the 80's, but what we do, it's all in 8-bit. Low res is probably cheaper anyway, right?
Shirt Color: Warm Feelings Grey
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The Final Lap
For Yesterday's Design
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La308 Bit 2.0
All Four Won
Artist Specs
  • Name: Team Blipshift
  • Location: NY
Artist Profile
Is it the cheapest desirable Ferrari? Or the most desirable cheap Ferrari? Just be warned, these 8-bit cars sometimes require $5k tuneups and get beat at stoplights by Accords. Maybe consider test driving the t-shirt first.