Primed for Performance II

by Dennis Mateja
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Fiber is great and all, but to really get things moving, a V8 should do the trick. The 80s were full of musical experimentation, but the roar of the C4 was au naturel. Explosive acceleration came a few years down the line, when the plastic really became fantastic.
Shirt Color: 80s Midnight Navy
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The Final Lap
For Yesterday's Design
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Primed for Performance II
Colored Brick Blue
Artist Specs
  • Name: Dennis Mateja
  • Location: Rossdorf, Germany
  • Website/FB:
Artist Profile
Dennis is a student who is currently trying to survive the German Abitur. His passion for cars began in his early days thanks to the car enthusiasts in his family. Today he spends his free time creating art, most of which is car related, and driving his E36 Touring. He hopes to get into the design or illustration business after school, and would like to own an E36 M3 or a S2000 in the future.