Be Afraid

by Anthony McClinton
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When you were little, you dared not even peek. Now that you're all grown up, you purposely keep a monster under your bed... assuming your bed is over the garage!

Glows feebly in the dark. Energy from nearby thermonuclear detonation may enhance glow-age... and growth of third arm. Idea Credit: Vivek Murthy

Shirt Color: Lights Outs Black
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The Final Lap
For Yesterday's Design
Sale ends in: 
Be Afraid
Straight Up 2G
Artist Specs
  • Name: Anthony McClinton
  • Location: AZ
Artist Profile
Anthony graduated from Northern Arizona University with a degree in mechanical engineering in 2014. He is currently working in the field he loves. When not working he can be found shredding the local mountain bike trails, hiking, or going for a blast down the switchbacks in his WRX and generally just enjoying life.