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by team blipshift
Sorry officer. I know grip is pretty poor here but I'm physically incapable of driving any car at less than 80% of its potential. I can't drive any slower.
Sale ended: 05-16-2013
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Artist Specs
  • Name: team blipshift
  • Location: NY
The Skinny
Imagine being given the keys to a gazillion dollar rocket on wheels. Wait, that's not realistic 'cuz (1) F1 cars probably don't have keys (with or without remote unlock fob) and (2) if you actually ended up in the cockpit of one, driving it too fast will be the least of your problems. Let's bring it back to something we can all relate to. You're in a diner for Sunday morning brunch. The waitress brings you your big fat bacon, egg and cheese sammie. After your second bite, she tells you, "Hey, stop eating so fast. You need to save some for later." Save some for later??? Blipshift logo on lower left side.